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Cookie policy

Information on data processing in accordance with Art. 13 of EU Reg. 2016/679


telephone: +39.0541.720300

WHO SUPERVISES THE PROTECTION OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA? Contact details of the Personal Data Protection Officer (DPO): HOTEL ALBATROS contactable at the following address: and phone: +39.0541.720300

WHAT ARE COOKIES AND WHAT ARE THEY USED FOR? Cookies are strings of text that the Hotel Albatros website or other different websites or web services (so-called third parties) place and store within the device (pc, smartphone or tablet) through which the user accesses the site in order to identify and recognize the device itself. Cookies are used to enable the proper enjoyment of the content of the visited site. Some cookies are deleted when the pages are closed (“session cookies”) others, on the other hand, remain stored with varying retention times depending on the established expiration indicated in the table below.


The site uses several types of cookies each of which has a specific function, as shown in the table below:

TECHNICAL COOKIES: they facilitate the navigation of the site and, for this purpose, store the preferences expressed by the user, for example regarding the graphic layout and language, the login and the consents given regarding data processing. This category of cookies allows the owner, but also third parties, to collect aggregate and anonymous information on the use of and interaction with the site (e.g. number of accesses and time spent, most visited pages, devices used for access, area of origin) and to process statistics – also on data related to other domains, websites or mobile applications however traceable to the owner – intended to improve its contents.

Legal basis of processing: “contractual obligation” Art. 6 par. 1 letter b) EU Reg. 2016/679

ANALYTICAL COOKIES: are used by third parties, again to process aggregate statistical analyses of the user’s use of and interaction with the site, which in this case, however, are combined with other processing (user files or statistics of visits to other sites for example) or passed on to further third parties.

Legal basis of the processing: “consent” Art. 6 par. 1 letter a) EU Reg. 2016/679

PROFILING COOKIES: these are used by third-party companies to collect information regarding the preferences expressed by the user in the context of navigation and to elaborate reports intended to be used for targeted advertising and marketing campaigns, the content of which may also be repeated on other sites. The use of these cookies also makes it possible to indirectly identify the user through IDs and codes derived from the configuration of the devices used and to trace specific recurring actions or behavioral patterns back to the same.

Legal basis of the processing: “consent” Art. 6 par. 1 letter a) EU Reg. 2016/679


It should also be noted that the user can revoke the consent to the use of cookies given – and valid only for the site – or manage the preferences expressed at any time.

How can I disable cookies directly from the browser permanently?

The user can set the preferences of the browser used to permanently disable (until otherwise configured) below the links to enable these features:

Internet Explorer:

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox:

Apple Safari:

For more general information on cookie operation and profiling techniques, you can visit the EDAA (European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance) website at

For more information about the personal data processed through the site the user is invited to consult the “privacy policy“ document by clicking the relevant link.